Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Request...

...to Ron Paul supporters - please, please, please stop sending me shit about Ron Paul's money bombs. I don't have the cash to spare and even if I did I would spend it on candidates based in this country, not the US. And even if I did have the cash to spare and you'd got the right nation, I'd still be unlikely to give money to a candidate with practically no chance of winning.


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At 10:15 am , Anonymous Richard Allen said...

I was also under the impression that candidates in US elections are forbidden from accepting donations form foreign sources.

At 12:03 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Then Rep Paul can rest assured that he's not going to be getting into trouble for donations from this foreign source...

At 12:51 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard Allen is correct, they are forbidden.

I don't think Ron Paul is the no hoper you think. The Republican nomination is wide open and if he can get that, then it's a coin toss against Obama.

But I get your point entirely.

At 1:05 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I'm not so sure - I think that while the field is open now, it will quickly narrow down when the voting starts. I think it will be a two horse race between a centrist candidate (like Romney) and a loopy candidate (a Bachmann or a Perry). Whoever wins that I think will go on to lose to Obama in the general election.

But if a week is a long time in politics, then the fifteen or so months we've got until America actually votes is effectively an Ice Age in which anything could happen.

At 1:51 pm , Blogger Trooper Thompson said...

I'm surprised you're so dismissive of the most well-known libertarian in America.

At 5:16 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

So what should I do, TT? Give them money (and break the law, as it turns out)? Stick my head in the sand and pretend that he's going to win when he almost certainly isn't? Just because we share some political beliefs (although not all) I should cease to be realistic?

At 5:56 pm , Blogger asquith said...


That's the only one I would even give one second's consideration to. Of the others, including Paul, I'd prefer Obama. I don't like Obama great deal but I prefer him to the opposition.


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