Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Ludicrous Idea of Cameron Resigning

Cameron is now the bookmaker's favourite to be unseated as party leader first. All I can say to this is "oh please".

What has Cameron actually done wrong? Well, he displayed poor judgement when he employed one Andy Coulson. Poor judgement, mind, because of what that man has allegedly done in the past, not because of anything he did in power. I mean, there's no evidence of Coulson invovling himself in... say... a dodgy dossier now, is there? And Cameron's lapse of judgement really is small fry compared to the sort of mistakes made by his predecessors in the role - Brown nearly bankrupted us while trying to prop up failed banks and his own spurious and false claim to have ended boom and bust; Blair dragged us into an illegal and largely unwinnable war so he could continue to act as the fluffer for the most idiotic president of recent times; Major sank the economy for a bit through his desperation to be part of the ERM. A bit of perspective here would be good, people. Cameron fucked up - but employing Coulson is really rather low on the list of fuck-ups when it comes to those who have inhabited Number 10.

And the other charges - that Cameron is too close to News International, for example, are true both of the most recent Labour Prime Ministers. And it is probably worth asking when this phone hacking took place - on Cameron's watch? Err, no, it appears it took place under Nu Labour, when both Brown and Blair where desperately courting the man who is now public enemy Number One - Rupert Murdoch.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not writing this because I support Cameron or the Tories - regular readers of this blog will know just how little I rate both the man and his party. But we really have lost the plot if we are going to demand the resignation of a PM because he employed the wrong person to talk to the press on his behalf. The whole thing reeks of hysteria and hyperbole. And the thing most likely to sink Cameron isn't the accusations - which, as things stand, are a mild squall in a very small thimble of tea - but his failure to stand up and just brush off the calls for him to go. Cameron needs to get a grip; so do those calling for him to go.

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At 2:59 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on NL, it's nothing more than a smokescreen for Labour to hide behind. Deadhead Ed and the rest of his deadbeat party seem to be suffering from collective amnesia. When did this hacking stuff first come to light? 2002. Who was Prime Minister at the time? But obviously it is the fault of the nasty baby eating Tory Party.

I watched the Panorama programme last night and each and every one of the talking heads castigating NoTW, NI and Murdoch all had one thing in common - their wrongdoings had been exposed by an NI newspaper.

Fear not, for Rupe knows exactly what skeletons are in whose cupboards.

At 3:10 pm , Anonymous Michael Fowke said...

"But we really have lost the plot if we are going to demand the resignation of a PM because he employed the wrong person to talk to the press on his behalf."

Maybe. But there's no harm in trying for his resignation, is there?

At 10:25 am , Blogger Longrider said...

I'm not so sure it is ludicrous. These days, the pressure gets piled on until a person's position becomes untenable. Rightly or wrongly. So, it's not unforeseeable.

At 10:35 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

If Cameron goes over this, I'll despair completely of modern politics. Sure, I think Cameron is an utter waste of space, but if he resign for anything it should be for being inept and doing so little to improve this country despite being PM. Employing Coulson is comparatively small-fry.

But yes, I'll concede, that if the pressure is such that it makes running a government impossible, then it could happen.


At 10:52 am , Anonymous Mr Ecks said...

Cameron is a dangerous traitor, both to this nation (EU) and to the human race (green madness). Anything that smahes him is welcome.


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