Sunday, May 15, 2011

TUC and the Rally Against Debt

A TUC spokesperson on the Rally Against Debt:
"Half a million people joined the TUC march for the alternative to deep, early spending cuts.

"The fact that only a few hundred people rallied for more Sure Start centre closures and punitive cuts on disabled people, shows how little support there is for the government's economic plans."
Where to begin with this utter bilge? Firstly, no alternative has been offered to the government's reduction in spending other than "we'd prefer them not to do it" - a position which, given how crippled this country is with debt, just doesn't work.

Secondly, it is pretty offensive to claim that people were rallying for Sure Start closures and punitive cuts on disabled people. They weren't. They were rallying against the idea of future generations being burdened with completely unneccessary debt - something the TUC seems to be completely ok with.

Furthermore, I'd imagine most of these people don't support the government, and would like a more radical debt reduction plan combined with a refusal to contribute to further EU bailouts - neither of which the present government seems willing to do.

And yeah, only a few hundred people turned up - to a grassroots rally designed to advocate the taking of difficult decisions now for future generations. As opposed to the TUC backed march, organised by backers with thousands, if not millions, of pounds to spend and thousands of members to call upon. Furthermore, it is always easier to get people marching in favour of naked self-interest - which is what the TUC backed march earlier this year was about.

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At 5:12 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's cut the marzipan:


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