Monday, January 24, 2011

On e-mailing me

Yes, you can e-mail me; I don't mind people doing so, particularly if they have something interesting to say or share. But after a couple of irritating encounters with irritating people, I thought I would clarify a couple of things:
  1. I don't check my blogging e-mail account everyday, which means if you do e-mail me you might have to wait a few days before I get back to you. If I get back to you at all. See, just because you choose to e-mail me doesn't mean you will get a reply. Particularly if you fail to say anything of any interest whatsoever in your e-mail. Or if you just fill your missive with insults. And especially if you resort to both.
  2. You may wish to send me products to review, or websites you might want me to link to. But the fact that you do so doesn't mean that I will give a crap about your website or what you are hawking. This is not something I do to earn money, and I never proactively seek attention for my blog. Therefore I do not feel obliged to give you or what you produce a leg-up using my blog. The rule of thumb is simple; if I like what you do, I might link to it. But there are no guarantees, and there's no right to have your whining acknowledged by me.
Parish note over, folks. Let's get back to the obscure ramblings that define this blog.

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At 9:56 am , Blogger Longrider said...

Snap! I had a troll drop an insulting comment on my latest post yesterday, followed up by an email accusing me of being a Zionist Jew. I don't know if he expected me to be polite...

At 12:09 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

...and I'd be prepared to bet money that you weren't polite!

The one that wound me up the most recently was a very angry and slightly sweary e-mail from a blogger demanding why I hadn't responded to his request for a linkswap. My response was pretty to the point - "Because I don't give a fuck about you or anything you have to say". Guessing he won't be coming back to me. Then again, you never know...


At 12:18 pm , Blogger The Grim Reaper said...

I get a fair few people emailing me about various stuff. One or two suggestions have made it into the blog, the majority didn't. Mostly because they were indeed shite. I've also had one from someone complaining about the content of a post. I should take it down on the grounds they disagree with it, apparently. Yep.

I've never been asked by someone to do a linkswap yet. I feel a bit left out. Though I suspect I'm not missing much.

At 1:06 pm , Blogger Longrider said...

GR - no, you're not missing anything. Despite a note on my contact page specifically saying that I don't do link swaps, the buggers still try it on.

TNL - no, I wasn't polite. I gave him a public kicking. Not nice, I know, but well deserved.

At 5:26 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Just clocked your kicking of him. Nice work!


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