Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Give the BNP morons a megaphone!

I've always maintained that we should let the BNP speak. In fact, I reckon we should let them speak as much as possible to as wider an audience as possible. Because, as this article shows*, they don't half talk utter shite:
On 24 August 2005, Mr Eriksen wrote: "I've never understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the feminazi myth machine into believing that rape is such a serious crime ... Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal.

"To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that forcefeeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence. A woman would be more inconvenienced by having her handbag snatched.

"The demonisation of rape is all part of the feminazi desire to obtain power and mastery over men. Men who go along with the rape myth are either morons or traitors."
It isn't even worth bothering to pull the quotation apart - its absolutely abhorrent nature should be obvious to everyone who is a grade-A fuckwit. But this sort of thing is perfect, just perfect, publicity for the BNP. See, it shows the truth about them. That BNP activists are not noble patriots misrepresented by a hostile media, but rather prime examples of moronic bigots who really aren't worth taking seriously for an more than 1.2 seconds. This sort of thing is an excellent example of how free speech can and should work. The witless ones should be allowed to say what they like, so people with an IQ higher than 23 can point and laugh before dismissing them as useless wankstains.

Let the BNP talk. Give them blogs, interviews, time on the TV, and even megaphones. Because - as Nick Eriksen so ably shows, they truly are repugnant in their views. And said views will alienate the vast majority of people in this country - if they are allowed to hear what the BNP actually believe.

*Link via Cheeky Chappie in a comment on this post.

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At 10:50 am , Blogger cheeky chappy said...

Hi NL,

thanks for doing this, much appreciated. Best wishes

Cheeky Chappie

At 12:08 pm , Blogger PJH said...

Isn't this old news? The twat was sacked from the BNP for precisely this reason 2 years ago.

At 4:34 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


The article you link to makes the interesting point that even as this twat was being sacked, senior BNP party members were still trying to defend him. Which is quite telling.

The fact that this is not a new story doesn't diminish its importance. It is a pretty good indication of the sort of people who rise to senior positions in that party. You can witness similarly stupid views being offered by the current leadership, like Griffin's outburst last year about sinking refugee/immigrant ships. I also seem to remember that Richard Barnbrook once wrote a post about how therapy was awful as it was "the rape of the mind".

The whole argument is that people don't understand what the BNP stands for, and how ludicrous and offensive those views are. There is much to be gained by highlighting the shit they spout, even if the particular quote did come from a couple of years ago.


At 12:08 am , Anonymous Anna said...

I know this is an old post, but I completely agree. If you try to shut these people up, the more they will have an excuse to whine about how censored and persecuted they are.

And really, what harm can letting them speak do, when they're the worst argument against themselves to start with?


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