Monday, October 05, 2009

The Tory "policy" on an EU referendum:
One well placed Tory said: "There is virtually no hope of changing the main institutional architecture of the EU once Lisbon enters into force. If the treaty enters EU law you will find that a Conservative government will want to focus on repatriating powers that affect the UK. This is not going soft. If other EU leaders say they will not accommodate us, then we have the threat of a referendum on our reforms."
Reading that hardly fills me with hope that a Tory administration would look to the views of the people on the EU and the Lisbon Treaty. And it really comes to something when a referendum - something that consults the people through democratic means - is viewed and used as a threat.

Still, this would seem to suggest one thing: that if you want a choice on the EU, then best not to vote for the Tories.

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