Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Liberal Democrat Vision of "Hope"

A Liberal Democrat talks nonsense over those "savage" cuts:
"I think we have overdone the despair," Mr Webb said. "Doom and gloom does not inspire and motivate people. People want it straight but they also want hope."
Yes, people do want hope; it all comes down to how you define hope. I'm not quite sure why Mr Webb sees spending cuts as "doom and gloom". Less spending means less government intervention. Less government intervention means the likes of Gordon Brown have less control over the lives of the people in this country. That route isn't one towards despair. Fuck me, it is the road to hope.

But moving on from the utterly crappy idea that hope can only come from the government, it is worth noting that - for all the rhetoric - Webb shouldn't be too despondent about the direction of his party:
Mr Clegg's comments that "savage" cuts in some budgets may be needed to protect funding in priority areas has caused unease in sections of the party - even though he has stressed that there would not be an overall reduction in public spending under the Lib Dems.
Smashing. No overall reduction in public spending? Well, as a policy that not only manages to be unhelpful but also unrealistic. Although, given that, I dare say it will let many of those in the Liberal Democrats sleep easily tonight.

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