Friday, June 26, 2009

On Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson has passed on. Cue a whole avalanche of bad jokes ("Exposure to sunshine, moonlight and good times ruled out: now coroners say cause of death was 'boogie'"), conspiracy theories and the sort of outpouring of grief that seems completely out of proportion to the tragedy. There may even be a new question entering general conversation - where were you when Michael Jackson died? I know where I was - watching a DVD of the risible Doctor Who story Delta and the Bannermen

I have to confess that I wasn't the biggest fan of Jackson's music. Sure, I can see why people love his music, but it just doesn't really work for me. So I'm not best placed to comment how much the world has lost this morning. Instead, I'll throw out some random observations (based largely on the BBC coverage yesterday evening):
  • BBC journalism now seems to consist of going to the websites of other news organisations and reporting what they say in inverted commas to allow for deniability if the other sources get it wrong. Or, failing that, phoning Uri Geller. 
  • If you are reporting on someone who is seriously ill and may or may not be dead, you should probably work out what tense you are going to speak about that person in. Early in the story, after Jackson was taken to hospital, the BBC news reporters were going "Well, he was... sorry, sorry! He is..." Now, that just seems a little insensitive. As a heads up, when someone is still alive it is probably best practice to refer to them in the present tense.
  • The very first image you show in your Michael Jackson obituary probably shouldn't be the Thriller video, which features the now deceased Michael Jackson dancing as a zombie.
  • Facebook status updates are just as good at breaking news as the BBC, if not marginally more effective.
It is also worth noting that other people died yesterday - including Farrah Fawcett and the music journalist Steven Wells, who both passed away after long, painful illnesses. Jackson died, and died comparatively young, but let's keep a sense of perspective about his death. The last thing we need is another rehash of the hysteria that surrounded the passing of Diana. Or Jade fucking Goody...

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At 12:22 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As a heads up, when someone is still alive it is probably best practice to refer to them in the present tense."

A Pedant Writes . . .

And while we're on the subject of grammar: 'someone' is singular, 'them' is plural.

Try, try, try to strive for agreement, e.g. by using 'him or her'.

Thank you.

At 10:16 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

correct as s/he may be, the pedant could try, try, try to sound a little less patronising...


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