Monday, June 29, 2009

Gordon's Vision for Britain

I can't help but think that Gordon Brown's plan to set out his vision for Britain is (far) too little (far) too late. After all, didn't he decide not to call an election just after he became PM because he wanted to spell out his vision for Britain? Plus - unless his plans are completely free of cost (like smiling at puppies or something) - he doesn't have the money to do anything. Now, with less than a year until he loses power at the next election and nothing but dust in the coffers, he has just as much chance of implementing any vision for Britain as Michael Jackson does of performing at the O2.

Still, this is apparently the laying out of a Labour manifesto for the next election - which will hopefully happen sooner rather than later. Because if Gordon really does care about the future of this country, then he will show it by giving us a chance to vote him out of power. 

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At 6:07 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Labour manifesto?

After tuition fees, treaty referendum and high rate tax, the opposition should loudly point out that this is not worth the (toilet) paper it's written on.


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