Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On *That* BNP List

A few points from your humble author on the publication of a membership list of the BNP:

1. It is a breach of the Data Protection Act, and people have a right to privacy regardless of their political views.

2. Anyone sending abuse or threats to those on the list are simply stooping to the level of the BNP. Their members should be laughed at and pitied for being pig ignorant lackwits - to do anything else to them is excessive.

3. I've seen the list, but ain't printing a publishing a direct link to it.

4. How idiotic does the BNP look this morning, blaming the leak in a disgruntled former employee and invoking the Human Rights Act? After all, they despise the Human Rights Act, so the irony that they are now hiding behind it makes me laugh. Gleefully.

5. This whole furore shows both that the views of the BNP are unacceptable and that their members are afraid of being linked to the very party they joined. Yeah, part of this is the threat of violence, but there are some days when I feel like punching a Labour party member. Ultimately, if you have political beliefs, you should be able to defend them. And all this incident says to me is that BNP members are not capable of defending their membership of their party.

In fact, even those who try to defend the BNP are capable of defending that party, as this wonderful comment from adam.h at Tim Worstall's place shows:

anyone white who lives in england an does not support the BNP is a complete idiot and i pitty them. i invite anyone to argue with me because i no im right.P.S the only reason we dont express our views pubilically is because we most certainly do not have the right to freedom of speech.
Maybe I'll argue you with you one day, adam.h. But I'm going to wait until you are at least able to spell basic words like "know". And understand basic punctuation.

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At 2:13 pm , Blogger Korenwolf said...

Mostly agree, though I can understand why the BNP members are secretive, if your job was on the live for membership of a particular political party wouldn't you prefer to keep it undercover?

The bottom line here is that Labour have decided that while the BNP is legal they will impose rules which require the Police and other public services to sack anyone belonging to the BNP.

This is one of the many wedges they're using, once you've established that it is acceptable practice why not ban UKIP (they are advocating leaving the EU which is against the main party line), and then why not the tories as they don't properly support the state school sector etc etc etc.

(Not a BNP member, not a BNP voter, I have enough trouble considering the tories as a tactical vote, the BNP don't stand a chance, but the hypocrisy of the main parties (particularly Labour) about this reminds me why I think they're all self serving w*nkers, this includes the LibDem at my door at the weekend who uttered the phrase "you're not a spoiler!?")

At 2:26 pm , Blogger James Higham said...

Yes, they do have the right to privacy on this.

At 2:45 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Decending to the level of the BNP?

So far as I know, the BNP does not descend to that kind of behaviour, although some of its members or supporters might.

They are no more under the control of the BNP than the members of other parties - like the fraudsters in the Tory Party or the mortgage-liars in New Labour, or the paedophiles of the Lib-Dems.

At 3:57 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


Oh, I can understand why they keep their membership secret from their employers, and their democratic right to believe whatever they like. No matter how ignorant those views. Certainly, if your job is on the line, this list being published would be devastating.

But one of the reasons why employers can bin those in the BNP without provoking outrage at the same time as keeping UKIP members on is because the views of the BNP are seen as excrement by most people in society. And if I was in that party, I'd be questioning why that was and would be challenging my own beliefs.


At 5:55 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The appalling state of post-60s education notwithstanding, I find it hard to believe that the quoted post is not a fake.


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