Thursday, November 20, 2008

The End of the BNP?

It is ironic that it may end up being an exercise in what is effectively naming and shaming that decimates the membership of the BNP rather than all the calls for tolerance and the arguments against the BNP's barely concealed racism. Because whilst a lot of people seem happy to join the pig ignorant, knuckle dragging BNP, those who aspire to even a basic level of respectability do not want others to know that they have join that happy band of fucktarded bigots.

And the potential devastating impact of this scandal on the BNP membership figures is just dandy with me. Whilst I believe the members had a right to privacy and this list should not have been published, I cannot help but really enjoy anything that damages the BNP. A lot of people will probably leave the BNP after this, and a whole other host of people will probably be put off joining, in case their lackwitted and ghastly racism is highlighted to their family, friends and employers. Sure, some people may join based on the publicity, but those now rushing the dubious embrace of the BNP will be the Tyndall era skinheads that the charmless Nick Griffin is so keen to drag the party away from.

I'd also imagine that there will be some seeing this outing of the BNP members as the beginning of the end for the party. I'm not so sure it is, although the damage to that party could be crippling. But even if it does manage to sink the BNP then it still won't stop the blight of racism on British society. The BNP exist to fill a gap in the market - they are representation for the angry, for the resentful, for those who have a unthinking fear and hatred of those they perceive to be different. These people exist, these views have existed for thousands of years. They are not going to disappear overnight, even if this publication of the list does damage the current main mouthpiece of these people.

So we can condemn the person who leaked this list at the same time as relishing the discomfort of both the leadership and members of the BNP. But in the grand scheme of things this will make fuck all difference. Racism exists; always has done, and probably always will do. The BNP might go the way of the National Front - but if that happens another organisation, just as vile as its predecessors, will come into being.

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