Wednesday, August 20, 2008

He's Back!

So, Gordon Brown is back from his holiday.


The BBC notes that:

"...the prime minister could be forgiven for having a worse case of post holiday blues than the rest of us. His in-tray is bleak."
Good. Fucking good. The guy is a fucking penis of the highest order, I want his in-tray to be bleak. Hell, I want every part of his life to be bleak. Because he is a morose, misanthropic, incompetent, failed, glowering shit bag of a man. This country would have been better off electing the fucking Child Catcher as Prime Minister. Oh, except, hang on - we didn't elect Brown. He decided he wanted the job and therefore stole it from the elected Prime Minister.

However, this comment about the poll ratings made me smile and think:

"(The polls) might have nudged up by one point since last month, but it's Labour's worst rating in August since the 1980s."
So, with the Prime Minister on holiday, the poll ratings go *up*.

But I don't think this would be just for the PM. I'd imagine the popularity of politicians in general will go up when they are on holiday. And not actually doing anything. Sure, the majority of people will still hate them because they live a life of luxury at the expense of others, but at least we don't have to sit through them foisting patronising, intrusive and unpleasant laws on us whilst they are sunning their flabby bodies on the beach.

Parliament being in recess is a holiday not just for the parasites, but also for the politically aware. I've enjoyed the past few weeks, when there have been no new crass bills to rant against. But mark my words, the rage and indignation will rise again as soon as the MPs get back to their busy work of trying to justify their frankly massive costs through commenting on and trying to legislate in areas they are not qualified in and do not understand. We've got another Brown relaunch coming; make no mistake, it will involve a whole host of crappy crap. No doubt there will be plans to save the nation through reducing pie-eating. And installing cameras in every toilet bowl in the country, to guarantee hygiene or something. We can expect another all out assault on booze, cigarettes, fatty foods - pretty much on everything. And the only thing the government won't touch is the economy. And why would they? After all, the economy is only in freefall!

Brown et al will always be more popular when they are on holiday. I can't be alone in thinking that they should see what the polls are telling them, and take an extended holiday. It's recommend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year for them. It would make them more popular and do a hell of a lot less damage to this country if they simply never came back to work.

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At 10:01 am , Blogger Letters From A Tory said...

I, like the rest of this country, didn't miss not seeing him in the papers.


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