Monday, June 30, 2008

Wendy Alexander: Dumb and corrupt.

In a move that will no doubt provoke a wail of anguish from Mr Eugenides, the Scottish Labour Leader has resigned. And since I harbour no feelings for Alexander other than mild contempt, I can say “good riddance” without a second thought.

The reasons for Alexander’s resignation make for amusing, if delusional, reading:

Colleagues said that while she believed she had done nothing wrong, she had had enough of a 'personally debilitating' campaign which was damaging Labour's credibility.
Amazing, that. A modern politician facing a personally debilitating campaign. That’s never happened before. It isn’t happening to Obama at the moment, is it? David Cameron in no way has been painted by Alexander’s party on a continual basis as a toff. And in no way does Brown face a seemingly infinite myriad of personally debilitating attacks on a daily basis, does he? If Alexander is genuinely so spineless that she stood down because she could not deal with the personal attacks, then she should never have been in the position in the first place. Personal attacks may be unpleasant, but they are part and parcel of modern politics. To deny this is hopelessly naïve.

But deep down, Alexander knows why she had to go. It wasn’t the personal attacks, it wasn’t the controversy over calling for a referendum on Scotland. No, the reason why she had to resign is simple. She accepted corrupt donations. Regardless of whether she knew she was breaking the rules, and regardless of whether she was given bad advice, she broke the rules. That is the reason why she had to resign.

And before anyone else points it out, yes, I know that the rest of them are all up to no good as well. And whilst it offers no comfort to Wendy or her fans, the reason why she is going why so many other corrupt fucks stay on is that she was stupid enough to get caught. In fact, she was stupid enough to get caught accepting an illegal donation to a campaign where she was running unopposed. It is unforgivable to be corrupt; it is doubly unforgivable to be corrupt and stupid.

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