Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Vote Gordon!

Or not, depending on your opinions of him.

Not to worry, though; Brown hasn’t overcome his natural cowardice and actual put himself forward for election. Oh no. Instead, the good people of Madame Tussauds want you to vote on whether they should have a likeness of the grey faced git in their hallowed halls. You can vote, here. And it is worth following the link even if you don’t vote. Whoever wrote the text makes their feelings on Brown very clear:

When Gordon Brown took over from Tony Blair last year, for the first time in a 150 year history, Madame Tussauds took the decision not to immediately create a figure of the current Prime Minister. Instead we chose to wait for a General Election to confirm Gordon Brown’s status. Ten months later there is still no sign that Mr Brown intends to go to the polls – so Madame Tussauds is holding its own election to let YOU decide the question: Gordon Brown – in or out?
That’s how bad it has got for Gordon Brown – he’s being bitch slapped by Madame Tussauds. I look forward to seeing how much lower our Prime Minister can sink. Maybe the Tower Of London will say he’s not welcome there anymore. Or perhaps Hamley’s will put something on their website, suggesting that he goes and fucks himself. Whatever they want to do is fine with me - as long as it makes Brown even more uncomfortable. Because ultimately when tourist attractions are starting to take the piss out of the sitting Prime Minister, you know the game is up.

h/t: Mr E.

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