Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Self Serving Shite

Chris Langham has given an exclusive interview to Sky News, talking about his self-inflicted imprisonment. Apparently he isn’t a paedophile, and is just misunderstood. Probably worth noting that if he didn’t want to be branded a paedophile then he shouldn’t have downloaded child porn. He says:

"There is an assumption that if you look at images like this, therefore you must have a sexual interest in children and it's an odd logic because one of the reasons was I wanted to write about it."

I’m guessing that you can write about child abuse without viewing images of it. Otherwise a lot of other writers would be have been convicted of child porn charges as well. And it sounds like a fair enough assumption that if you look at pornography, you are sexually interested in that pornography. After all, that is the point of porn, isn’t it? To arouse sexual interest.

Langham is a talented man, as just a brief glance at his work shows. But this sort of interview, so soon after he was released after a curtailed jail sentence, reeks of sympathy seeking and a desperation to rebuild his career. But I’m not fucking interested in his pleas or his excuses.

See, he could be telling the truth, and he might have downloaded child porn for research purposes. If he did, he’s a stupid cunt. If he downloaded child porn to jerk off over it, then he is an evil cunt. The images apparently showed the extreme abuse of children. There is no excuse for downloading child porn.

Regardless of whether he did it innocently or to satisfy a sexual interest in kids, Langham has shown himself to be a cunt. And I really can’t be bothered with anything he says or does anymore.



At 12:45 pm , Blogger JohnM said...

Chris Langham is trying the Pete Townshend defence: I'm an artist so I have a right to break the law in order to create art that tells you why you shouldn't break that same law. Fiddle about.


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