Thursday, October 19, 2006

Media Whore With A Heart?

There seems to be some sort of debate in the newspapers about Madonna adopting a child. Now, I normally ignore any story about Madonna on principle (the simple principle that I cannot stand her or sodding awful music) but since the dead tree press is shrieking about this I thought I would make some sort of comment.

I think Madonna is the epitome of a media whore - some seeking publicity for the sake of getting attention - and too much of this feels like a publicity stunt. If Madonna wanted to adopt a child from an ethnic minority and from a deprived background, then she could have found one in this country very easily. The fact that she has gone to Africa, has taken the media with her and had no real problem with the media shit storm that has enveloped her since the adoption got controversial makes me think that she is still partly in this to get attention.

But then I think that she is doing some good, even if this is on some levels a publicity stunt. Because David Banda will have a far better life as the receiver of Madonna's maternal instincts than as an orphan (yes, he has a father but this is the "loving" father who dumped his son in an orphange) in Malawi. His adoption may be a drop in the ocean of ending child poverty but at least it achieves something good.

And it all puts Madonna streets ahead of this other week's media whore - Lady Heather McCartney Mills or whatever the hell she calls herself these days. *Leaked documents* from her camp suggest that Paul McCartney is a wife beating drunk. Now, whilst I think that McCartney is a pretentious, stupid, self-absorbed dick head I do not think that he is someone who would stop his wife from breast feeding his daughter with the words "those are my breasts" and I don't believe that the man who lived with the miserable, dour faced Linda McCartney for years, would push his pregnant wife into the bath. And I struggle to believe that the man who wrote the musical abortion that is The Frog Chorus would stab his wife with a broken wine glass. I have no idea what is going to happen in the McCartney divorce case but I sense that things will go in the general direction of Paul rather than Heather. And whilst Madonna will end up helping someone through her publicity stunt, Heather will end up achieving nothing.

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