Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year's Resolution and The End

I've tried, you know. I've really tried to get the enthusiasm back for this blogging malarkey, but it just isn't happening. So I think I'll set myself up with a New Year's Resolution that I can almost certainly stick to - no more blogging here. As such, this is the last post that will be published here.

Thanks to all who stopped by and offered their opinions, or those who just read in silence. There have been testy debates and moments of enlightenment for blogger and commenters. Which is exactly what I wanted. So again, thanks.

Is this the last time the Nameless Libertarian will write? Probably not. I'd be amazed if I can make it through the whole of a US Presidential election without passing some sort of comment on it. But those comments won't be here - if they happen, then I'll be following the example of another fallen blogger Mr Eugenides and putting them up over at DK's place. And I'd be amazed if there are no further reviews of the adventures of a certain Time Lord - but they will happen somewhere else, probably under a different name.

So that's it, really. Nothing more to say. Just to put that final full stop and end this blog once and for all. Nothing more; the end.

Of course, they say you should always end on a song. Well, I've never been sure who "they" are, but this strikes me as sound advice. So, ladies and gents, here to play out The Appalling Strangeness is one Steven Patrick Morrissey:



At 11:58 am , Blogger Dick Puddlecote said...

That's a shame, NL, there's always a good read to be had here. Good to know you'll still be popping your occasional thoughts up at the Kitchen, though.

Thanks for the insights (and the Dr Who tips). Happy New Year to you and yours.

At 3:39 pm , Blogger Devil's Kitchen said...


You've always been a pleasure to read and sorry to see this place go.

You're always welcome to post at The Kitchen (yes, Doctor Who reviews too), so I hope to see you there...


At 4:55 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


Thanks for the compliment - hope you and your family have a great new year. And keep up the good work on your blog!


Thanks, I will certainly take you up on that at some point. And you are more than welcome the Doctor Who reviews as they occur...


At 6:07 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

Well, all good things come to an end. Thanks for the thoughts.

Have a good 2012!

At 12:12 am , Anonymous Richard Allen said...

I have rarely commented but have always enjoyed your blog so sorry to see it go.

At 7:31 pm , Blogger James Higham said...

Sad day indeed.

At 5:44 pm , Blogger Thornavis said...

Thanks for your efforts and I'm sorry to see you go, always a pleasure to read your posts, including the Doctor Who ones and I don't even watch it. I will miss your sensible libertarianism, the previous post about pluralism being a case in point.

At 6:01 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

The post on pluralism is basically to explain why I am a Libertarian; much of this blog has been about trying to make sense of libertarianism. And about Doctor Who, of course.


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