Friday, July 29, 2011

Guido's Death Penalty Campaign*

I seriously think that Kelvin McKenzie should take some sort of legal action against Guido Fawkes (or whoever is running that site these days) for identity theft. Because with this sort of rabble rousing, he is truly gunning to the online version of perhaps The Sun's most notorious famous editor. Yes, he is/they are launching a petition to bring back the death penalty for child and cop murderers.

The logic, such as it is, seems to be that this should be done because a majority of the population back such a move. The evidence offered is scant, and "all polls" actually refers to just one poll, of 2,011 people, dating back to December 2008, in which 50% of the people (so just over 1,000, then) were for the death penalty. It is difficult to take such a result and project it with any degree of credibility across a population of over 60,000,000. And even if you could, would that then make it right for the majority to force their opinions on the minority? What the majority decided that pseudonyms should be banned from the internet? Or, more controversially and seriously, if Catholics should be declared second-rate citizens?

And while we're on the subject or spurious logic and borderline misrepresentation of the facts, what about the guff about "getting real justice" for the next Baby P? Those involved in the foul abuse of Baby P were not convicted of murder, and therefore would not have been eligible for the death penalty. This is nothing other dog-whistle politics - an attempt to gain support by mentioning the most infamous recent case of a malicious child death. Presumably Ian Huntley and Roy Whiting - two people who even to your humble author, a passionate opponent of the death penalty, can see the case for executing - are just too old hat these days.

Guido has done some good work in the past (McBride, Hain) and may yet continue to do so (Morgan), but this sort of thing does him no favours. It also does damage to the blogging world, since one of the few possible USPs that exists for political bloggers is that they are not like the MSM. Guido turning his site into not just a tabloid but one of the worst of the tabloids as well as one currently having its reputation justly dragged through the mud is a a depressing sign that, when (pseudo-)fame and (presumably) money come calling, the temptation to sell out is too much to resist.

I've no idea whether this idea/campaign has legs or will simply die a death. But I do sincerely hope for the latter, since the whole thing reeks of a cynical and desperate attempt to court public approval and precious little else.

*Yup, this post is largely a rehash of an earlier one. But since Guido has not really moved on in his opinons and logic this sort of post, by its very nature, can't move on that much either.

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At 7:11 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

"And even if you could, would that then make it right for the majority to force their opinions on the minority?"

Er, isn't that democracy?

At 8:39 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Well, in this democracy you have the tyranny of the minority, but yes, you could argue that it is. Which is why democracy is not an end in itself, and can also be a problem.

At 11:43 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guido's poll has shown that as many as 2,500 people support the death penalty - up on the 1,000 who supported it in 2008. This is important work he's doing.

At 1:11 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


2,500 in a country of circa 60 million. Yeah, you can build a strong case just on that, can't you? Oh wait, of course you fucking can't.

And I note that neither you nor TonyF are talking about the moral questions here. The majority (if one exists in this country for the death penalty, and that has not been shown) can be wrong on an issue, you know.

Finally, "important work" my hairy arse. This is rabble rousing and nothing more.


At 2:47 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, sarcasm failure.

At 10:24 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


However, I do get a lot of people making such comments on similar posts for real, so my normally strong ability to identify saracasm has been blunted slightly on this one. And I do have another post detailing the sort of *logic* those with a hard-on for the noose have, and why it is so shitty.



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