Saturday, April 10, 2010

The England First Party

The England First Party: who they, I hear you say? Well, they’re basically like the BNP. But with “England First” rather than “British National” in their name. Don’t believe me? Well, let’s take a look:
1. Stop all further immigration and start a programme of voluntary repatriation of non-European immigrants back to their lands of ancestral origin.
Pure BNP, here. Just textbook racism. Stop immigration, and send the immigrants back home. As with the BNP, I look forward to those classed as “non-European immigrants" asking for their voluntary repatriation back to the land ancestral origin… to… England.
2. The formation of an independent England, with an English Parliament, in a federal British Isles.
Uh-huh. Jumping on the English Question bandwagon. Which would be more impressive if your first policy wasn’t pure BNP.
3. The return of Capital punishment for Murders, Paedophiles and treason.
A-ha! Playing to the bigots Sun readers! Great stuff. Next thing you know, the EFP will be calling for the return of Corporal Punishment. Oh, wait…
4. The Restoration of Corporal punishment for serious violent offenders, persistent burglars, sex pests and drug dealers.
How kinky! Those sex pests will probably love it. Some of them, anyway.
5. Withdrawal from the morally and financially corrupt European Union. We can trade with Europe fine, but England is and should remain an independent nation.
Uh-huh. Just like other, saner (relatively speaking) parties offer.
6. The abolition of all non-European faiths and religions along with the removal of all their mosques and temples.
Surely they’ll all go when you’ve “voluntarily repatriated” everyone? Oh wait, no, because you’d have to get rid of Christianity as well. Because it is a religion that came from the Middle East. Not Europe. Still, I look forward to a return to forms of Celtic worship.
7. An end to all forms of animal cruelty, including the barbaric Semetic and Islamic methods of killing animals, animal experimentation and battery farming.
I love it! They even managed to present an end to animal cruelty in a slightly racist way!
8. The teaching of the traditional English and European history in our schools.
Uh-huh. I thought this history was taught in our schools anyway. Unless, of course, we mean the teaching of biased history that aggrandises the role of Europe and, in particular, the UK sorry, sorry, England. Actually, what I am talking about? That’s exactly what they mean.
9. The teaching of healthy moral values including full support for the traditional family unit.
Healthy moral values… what a euphemism! Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what that means? Of course, it will be the sort of mindless reactionary biopolitics that makes Iain Duncan Smith, social conservative extraordinaire look like a polymorphous pervert.
9. The withdrawal of funding to and the closure of all anti-English politically correct quangos – including the BBC. Profits from National Lottery money should be spent on our people for the benefit of our people – not politically correct causes.
By definition, though, Mr and Mrs EFP, you are offering a worldview that is politically correct. You have a view of politics that you believe to be correct; ergo, you have an idea of a particular kind of political correctness. So by definition, state sponsored charities would only be able to spend money on stuff you don’t agree with. Oh, wait, I’m getting confused about stuff. I’ve spent too long dealing with your moronic policies; being simplistic and moronic is starting to rub off.
10. Pensioners who have worked all their lives for the good of this country should continue to receive free bus transport, as well as free rail transport, and would be freed from the burden of having to pay council tax, gas and electricity bills. They would not and should not want for anything. The money would be found by cancelling all grants and funds paid to those organisations whose existence is detrimental to the physical and spiritual well being of our society.
Ooo, spiritual well-being. I just love the connotations conjured up by that wonderful phrase. Y’know, the Spanish Inquisition used to look after the spiritual well-being of Spain. I wonder whether the EFP would be up for something similar for the UK?

What am I saying? Of course they wouldn’t! They would want something similar just for England!

Bunch of wankers.

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At 4:16 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have the 14 words in their principles. Ironically, this is an American slogan and in no way English in any way that would be relevant to this bunch of idiots.

At 8:19 pm , Blogger EFPStoke said...

It's hardly surprising there's only one comment, and it's clearly from someone as witless and bigoted as you, you PC liberal skidmark.

At 11:42 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Ah, I'm being called a bigot by some knuckle-dragging retard from the EFP. Well, I guess if anyone is going to be able to recognise a bigot, it will be a sub-BNP moron from that party.

I note you don't question what I've written, but instead just throw around a couple of insults and then run away. Is that because you know, deep down, that your repellent views are indefensible?

Perhaps the reason why there was only one comment is because nobody cares about you or your dumb fucking party. That's what I hope, because what you stand for is ignorant, racist, sickening and utterly backward.

Now fuck off back to whatever cave your crawled from.



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