Friday, February 12, 2010

Perfect Timing!

In terms of scheduling, you can’t fault the legal proceedings against those three MPs and one peer:
The four will make their first appearance at the City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court at 2pm on March 11, only three weeks before the official start of the general election campaign. This means that the issue could well dominate the start of the campaign, which is likely to infuriate both Labour and Tories, since it could push disillusioned voters into the arms of smaller parties — or none.
I wonder how long until someone argues that it is damaging to democracy that these court dates are so close to the General Election. If it happens, safe money says it will be one of the odious four who first asserts this idea.

But this is perfect timing, it really, really is. Just as the main parties start spouting their meaningless platitudes to get them through the election, the electorate will be reminded of just how atrociously some MPs have behaved. And hopefully that will factor into the way people vote. As I’ve said before, voters have to take into account how politicians will act once in office rather than just agreeing with any ideological stance they have or liking the way they look. The court appearances of these four should remind us that public servants are there to serve the public, not help themselves – and we can affect what type of person gets returned to Parliament through our votes.

Mind you, it is probably too much to hope that they are found guilty on the day before the election...

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At 8:43 am , Blogger James Higham said...

voters have to take into account how politicians will act once in office rather than just agreeing with any ideological stance they have or liking the way they look

And have they ever done this? They won't even stickup for themselves at the best of times.

At 9:16 am , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure, with our bunged up court system, that it will take much longer than 3 weeks (more like 3 years) before there's anything close to a judgement on these cases.

At 10:59 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

And have they ever done this? They won't even stickup for themselves at the best of times.

We can hope, although I'd agree - there's little to back such hopes up.


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