Monday, June 15, 2009

Saving The World, Paul McCartney Style

Paul McCartney has some sage words to help us with the problem of climate change:
Sir Paul told the Independent: "Many of us feel helpless in the face of environmental challenges, and it can be hard to know how to sort through the advice about what we can do to make a meaningful contribution to a cleaner, more sustainable, healthier world.

"Having one designated meat-free day a week is a meaningful change that everyone can make, that goes to the heart of several important political, environmental and ethical issues all at once."
Not sure what this goes to show, other than Sir Paul and I have very different definitions of the word "meaningful". 

However, for me, this doesn't get to the heart of the problem with climate change and "environmental challenges". The problem isn't the changes we are seeing within our world. The problem is people - in particular rock stars who left anything even approaching every day reality decades ago - giving me spurious advice on how to live my life based on bugger all evidence. That really does my head in. This idea that because someone is famous they suddenly become incredibly knowledgeable on anything they care to dabble in is simultaneously idiotic and dangerous. After all, if Sir Paul - or Bono, or Thom Yorke, or that dweeb from Coldplay - wandered into the operating theatre with some advice for the surgeon just before they start operating on your brain, you'd tell them to fuck right off. And this flows across all the different parts of life. I'd probably take advice from the person who wrote "Live and Let Die" on songwriting; for just about anything else I don't really need the glib pronouncements of the man who wrote "The Frog Chorus."

So, in order to deal with my "environmental challenges", I've decided to never again listen to anything Paul McCartney has to fucking say. That goes to the heart of several important political, environmental and ethical issues for me all at once...

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At 10:18 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

er...fuck fight off?

At 11:34 am , Blogger Obnoxio The Clown said...

I assume you mean "prognostications"? :o)

At 11:48 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Typo 1 corrected, although whilst procrastinations isn't quite the right word for what I wanted to say, nor is prognostications. Pronouncements might be a better word.


At 1:01 pm , Blogger James Higham said...

He used to sing well.

At 8:20 pm , Anonymous Steve said...

McCartney may have his talents, although they largely pass me by. However, on matters of biology and climatology he is no better than the average moron on the upper deck of a Clapham omnibus.


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