Friday, May 29, 2009

MPs' Expenses: A Witch Hunt?

I caught Newsnight* (ironically enough this morning) and was staggered by the reporting. Now, it seems, we are supposed to feel some sympathy for the poor MPs losing their livelihoods and lively expense accounts. Apparently some of those who are stepping down felt intolerable pressure. Awww, diddums. I'm guessing all rumbled fraudulent fucks and benefit cheats feel some sort of pressure when their ugly little schemes are made public. I feel about as much sympathy for them as I do for these sodding MPs who are being forced out. The word witch hunt is used a lot. Well, big fat hairy bollocks to that. Take the Salem witch hunts - those accused in that were innocent. You can tell because witches don't actually exist. Those accused in this sorry farago of a scandal are guilty of exploiting the taxpayer. It isn't a witch hunt; it is dragging the guilty into the public eye. 

The only charge that Newsnight really made stick was that it wasn't fair that some, mainly unknown backbench MPs, were being forced from power whilst the likes of Burnham, Blears and Darling can still gorge their rampant egos in the corridors of power. Which is true. Don't get me wrong, I think those that have said they are going to go at the next election should go. But there are worse offenders out there, and they seem to be sitting pretty. 

So I'm going to make a suggestion in the interests of "fairness". Rather than scapegoating minor MPs for the sins of most MPs, how about putting all MPs in the firing line? How about making it so all MPs could lose their cushy little jobs and their cushy little lifestyles? And how about making it so the party leaders and the press aren't the ones deciding which MPs should be turfed? Newsnight talks a lot about mob justice, but the mob - or electorate, if you will, the very people these out and out cunts should be serving - hasn't had their say. Give us a General Election, and then the mob, the electorate, the fucking people will actually be able to have their say on this scandal. 

Turns out an immediate General Election is actually the only way to be fair to our MPs. Who'd have thought it?

*At around 13.54, Kelvin McKenzie mentioned MP Stephen Hammond and his little expenses escapade. It isn't one of the worst ones, but it is one that got me incensed. Mainly because, in my wayward and misspent Tory youth, I campaigned for Hammond. He was going up against a dubious Nu Labour type, and was painting himself as the honourable alternative. That didn't last long, did it? Hammond - a wealthy man - has rushed straight to the taxpayer for a quick handout. His hypocrisy, sadly, is typical of that party - and of our ruling class.  *CORRECTION* as a comment at the Kitchen points out, they actually refer to Philip Hammond MP, not Stephen. My bad, my apologies. Need to have my ears syringed. 

Cross-posted at Devil's Kitchen

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At 2:37 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not a witch hunt, it's a cunt hunt.

At 3:08 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phillip Hammond, not Stephen Hammond.

At 3:18 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


Yep, someone at the Kitchen just pointed that out. Sorry, my bad - clearly mis-hearing things in my own age. And despite not being a Tory anymore, I am pleased that KM was not referencing a politician I gave up a lot of time to campaign for.



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