Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Imprisoned for 28 days plus? Here, have a bit of cash

Magic. The vote on 42 days detention is now going to be so tight that the government is doing what it does best: panicking, and throwing money at the problem. From the BBC:
"Under (the compensation plan), any suspect held for more than 28 days and later not charged could receive £3,000 for each extra day in custody"
Brilliant. Because the problem is the money, right? And not that gross invasion of civil liberties caused by being detained for up to 42 days without charge. Yeah, that'll do it: chuck some money at it and hope for the best.

If the total fucktards in the Labour party actually engaged their tiny, flaccid brains for more than 15 seconds and for more than just thinking about their own, grossly inflated, egos then they might see that this policy is being so roundly dismissed because it is a big old bag of sweaty bollocks. People are objecting - no, screaming their objections - at this plan because it attacks civil liberties in this country and attacks our way of life. This isn't like the rebellion on the 10p tax rate - this is about civil liberties, and their slow erosion in this country in the face of a nebulous and contradictory supposed "war on terror".

Compensation plan or no compensation plan - this bill must be defeated today.

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At 10:12 am , Blogger Letters From A Tory said...

What a surprise - Labour use taxpayers' money to bolster their level of support in a time of crisis for the party.

Now where have I heard that before?...

At 1:01 am , Blogger eeore said...

Yeah but unlike the 10p tax thing, people don't care much about civil liberties.


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