Tory Leader Gay Sex Claim Dismissed
When I saw this headline for some reason I automatically thought of David Cameron. Although in fairness I probably should have thought of the perennially single Ted Heath.

But even if he was gay (a claim that is contested in the headline of the article), so what?
I would describe Ted Heath as a miserable failure as Tory Leader, Prime Minister and Elder Statesman. As Tory leader he lost all bar one General Election that he led the party into. As Prime Minister, his greatest achievement was taking the country into Europe which will always be a controversial and deeply subjective definition of achievement*. Aside from that, he had to implement the three day week, did nothing to stop the mounting problems in Ireland, did nothing to halt the decline of Britain into the unenviable condition of being the "sick man of Europe" and ultimately had his ample butt kicked by the miners. In his career (if such a word can be used) after his time in Number 10, he proved himself to be a boring, bitter old fart who constantly carped and bitched at his successors as Tory leaders, undermining them often at times when they needed support rather than criticisms. He hung around in the Commons for far too long and, according to one rumour I heard back in my days in the Tory party, only stood down when his constituency threatened to de-select him. When you sit down and review his record, his only real triumph was beating Wilson in the 1970 General Election and thus giving the UK a brief respite from having a vacant, pseudo-socialist, spineless arsehole of a man with an affected Yorkshire accent as Prime Minister.
However, being gay (or asexual or just unable to get laid) should have no effect on Heath's tainted legacy. Sure, he was a failure - but his sexuality (or lack of it) has no impact on his capabilities in high office. It is a personal matter - and if he was gay, it is actually quite impressive that he managed to keep it a secret for so long when he was such a high profile figure.
*I remember a conversation I had with one Tory activist who stated Heath was a traitor, and should be hanged. I pointed out that Heath was already dead, and therefore hanging him would probably be a total waste of time. But no, this activist wanted Heath's corpse digging up and then hung, a little like Mussolini. I pointed out that this sounded all a little counter-productive and more than a tad distasteful, but he was having none of it. Just goes to show that Heath is hated by members of his own party for selling out. And, God willing, one day the same will happen to young "Hug A Husky" Cameron.
Labels: Conservatism, Heath
Much like Peter Mandelson, his sexuality actually humanizes him to some extent.
Gay or not (and, really, who cares?) Heath was certainly guilty of treachery [1]. As to hanging him, there are historical precedents: Oliver Cromwell (also a traitor under the definition below but not a dishonest one like Heath) was dug up at the Restoration and "hanged".
[1] "Treachery" (per Merriam-Webster dictionary): the offence of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family
Sure dig him up and hang him, then hang hug a doggy (or is that a hoodie) Cameron. Oh and bury him, then dig him up and hang him as well.
Appalling Strangeness: as I commented over on DK's blog, I'm sure that I might have muttered something along these lines to one or more people in the past...perhaps it was to you?
Arthurian Legend: I don't think you were the person who proposed hanging Heath's bloated corpse to me. Obviously I don't know what you look like but the person who propesed this idea to me was a fifty year old fat, sweaty bloke with bad hair. In fact, he looked a little like a younger version of Ted Heath...
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