Thursday, November 30, 2006


You know what?

Fuck 'em.

Fuck the fucking fucks who are in charge of the Tory Party. I have had enough. Fuck 'em. I didn't vote for Cameron, and thought he was a bad idea as party leader. But I never realised he would be this bad. I never realised he would sell the soul of the party for a cheap headline over and over and over again. And I never thought that the likes of Hague would join the crappy Cameron revolution, but it turns out I was really wrong. Really very wrong. The entire Conservative leadership has dropped everything and started panting like a teenage boy on heat at the first glimpse of the pussy lips of electoral success.

They have forgotten the key principle of being a conviction politician - that there is no point in winning if you have forgotten the reasons why you wanted to win power in the first place.

I have no idea what the Tory party stands for anymore, but they sure as fuck do not stand for what I believe in.

So fuck the fucking lot of 'em.

And I know what this is - a disgruntled (now ex) Tory throwing his toys out of the pram in a petty, foot-stomping tantrum . This will mean nothing to Cameron et al. I am not important in the grand scheme of things, but it is telling that someone who would get up early on Saturdays to go canvassing for the Howard led Conservative Party is leaving less than a year after Cameron won the leadership.

Of course, things may change in the future and if the party remembers it is the party of the Centre Right (as opposed to the left of Tony Blair) and drags itself away from the non-policies of Tony Blair (sorry, sorry, David Cameron - amazing how easy it is to confuse those two, isn't it?) then I will go back. I will buy my membership back, and I will campaign for them. But as it stands I probably could not bring myself to vote for the Tories if there was an election held tomorrow.

But this leaves me with a far more pressing problem. I cannot call myself The Nameless Tory anymore - not when I am despairing of the Tory Party. So for now, I am The Nameless One. Crappy I know - it sounds like a curious mix of a deeply pretentious philosopher and a Doctor Who monster. But I can't think of anything better, and it will be easier to change back on the glorious day when Cameron is exposed as the political whore he undeniably is and the Tory Party elects a Conservative as party leader.

However, if anyone can think of a better name, let me know. Because I wanted to name myself after what I am - disillusioned and bored - but sadly that is already taken...

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At 10:11 am , Blogger Neal Asher said...

I don't see why you can't keep calling yourself 'The Nameless Tory', since Cameron's party isn't Tory any more. How about 'The Disenfranchised Tory' ... or thwarted, foiled or baffled? Or maybe the U-Kipper?

At 10:14 am , Blogger towcestarian said...

I have just filled in a survey at ConservativeDemocracy, which was asking specifically about my opinion of Pollyanna. They are probably a bit rattled about the scale of the reaction.

If enough people let their feelings known on these sort of polls, them maybe it is not too late... grasping at straws I fear. With UKIP not really my cup of tea, I am feeling a bit politically disenfranchised at the moment.

What about The Nameless Ex-Tory; it sort of makes the point don't you think. If you are young and hip, you could try something like X-Story Man, but if you are past 30 it may be a bit too much like student humour.

At 11:21 am , Blogger Disillusioned and Bored said...

Your article inspired me to write my largest ever blog entry (here ). I totally understand your frustration, but you shouldn't be frustrated with the Conservative Party, you should be frustrated with a party system that fails to aggregate political views correctly. It is the electoral system that needs changing.

At 11:23 am , Blogger Disillusioned and Bored said...

Actually, not where I pointed. The article is in fact here. apologies!


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